Saturday, 24 August 2013

High heels, and low-Socio.

This Pacific was the first to turn up. At $35 it was the cheapest in the shop. But not cheap enough for me to feel compelled to buy it. 

Many of these typewriters were poorly displayed. This Royal, marked at $90 was rather hidden amongst a room filled with beautiful lamps. 

This Chevron was caged in glass, and out of reach. Which was a real shame. A typewriter needs to be touched!

This wide carriage SM9 in excellent condition really grabbed me. But the $150 price tag meant that it lost its grip pretty quickly. And that case was so huge, I knew I'd have problems getting it back to Brisbane.

This Hermes Ambassador was in fair condition, and I'd personally love to have - or at least try, one. But at $395, I simply said: "Get F****d"!

Oh, Lemir. What can I say!


I bought a nice little marble desk-set, and a few other bits and bobs, and I was soon on my way. 

We walked across the road to a paper specialist, who had a familiar face on display.

How about that... Surrounded by paper you couldn't easily use to type on. Well done. 

The Melbourne writer's festival is on at the moment, and it makes me wonder how many other typewriters have been dragged to town. And... Where was my invite, dammit!

Later in the evening we ended up in a 1920's inspired cocktail bar. 

Incidentally, the cocktail of the day was an 'Ernest Hemingway Daiquiri'. I didn't have one. The ingredients SHOULD have been: one Royal QDL, one Remington Noiseless, mixed, shaken and bled into. 

What a way to celebrate an end to the day of Antiquing. Oh, and I got some new shoes and seriously cool socks. 



  1. Scott, I'm surprised you managed to get some shots of the typewriters at Chapel St Bazaar without getting busted by the snooty dude that runs the place. And yeah, their typewriers aren't cheap.
    Sorry for the weather, too. I forgot to turn the sun on this morning.
    Glad you had a good day. I'll send you a text soon. See if we can grab a latte in Carlton or something.

    1. Sounds great! Busy tomorrow?

      That dude was far too busy to annoy me. But the rest of the staff were all over me like a rash. Bit they were nice, because we were buying.

      Incidentally, I have actually been loving this weather.

  2. Live in Brisbane for long enough and you start purposefully booking holidays to cold places in the winter just so you can "get a bit of cold weather in". I know the feeling well. I was in Melbourne in July and it was tops of 16 instead of 12 or 13. I was disappointed.

    1. It has been pretty much the same here so far this week. But I have enjoyed it just the same.
