Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Pt 7 - Of Submarines and Typewriters.

bing.............. bing........... bing..........

A hotel for kings and queens, surely! 

The sweet little display just inside Rob's front door. 

Feeeeeeeel the blick love.

A bit of Remington 2 love, while you're at it. 

A tired eyed yours truly, and the Standard folding with my name on it. (Robs blog)
Oh dear... look at those bags under my eyes. 

Ahhhhhh.... Next day.

Part of the display

Red! I see Red! And I see three typewriters I would LOVE to have. 

Rob fires up the Masspro, while Jane checks out the photos she had been taking. 

Rob giving Jasper his coveted (and genuinely rare) Nippo P-200

Now in Jasper's hands - where it may still do some literary damage. 

There's some interesting typewriters that I'll be posting about soon, that I picked up from Rob. Once again Rob, thanks for having us.


  1. You were living a dream there man! You were living a dream... :)

    1. Ha ha ha ha. Oh, you know.... Keys, a car and a typewriter... Awesome.

  2. Great fun! I really must get out more. Typecast on a Lettera 22?

  3. Such a great trip! I envy you, getting to stop by Robert's museum.

    1. He does have some great machines. Clearly he's got the best machines to have as the Australian Typewriter Museum.

  4. And that submarine does not strike me as too bad of an idea. Given the weather I could imagine it working as a long barbecue/grill during some town celebrations. ;)

    1. (raised eyebrow) I like the way you think!

  5. I've already forgotten what it feels like to wear shorts and sandals...

    Now, this submarine isn't totally stupid. The town's name, Holbrook, was changed from the original, Germanton, because of the First World War and the anti-German sentiment that came with it. Commander Norman Holbrook was the chap who got submarines through Turkish sea-mines during the aforementioned war, and was the first submariner to be awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest military honour. That should explain the submarine. (Why do I know this? Dad was born and grew up there, and instilled the belief in me that the big submarine (the above water line shell of HMAS Otway, and Oberon class sub) isn't totally stupid, but perhaps a mark of difference.)

    1. Oh, I did know... But this is true.

      And Don't worry, the weather will turn soon, and you'll be back in shorts and sandals in no time!

  6. Very entertaining glimpses of your trip.

    1. Thanks Richard. Hope you're enjoying the read.

  7. Great post, Scott, brings back some very pleasant (though recent) memories of your visit. I was quite surprised to be so starkly reminded of how things were here back then, and how much they have changed in the short time since then. But at least it looks a little tidy. I keep stumbling over machines I promised to give you while you here but in the excitement forgot about - like that aluminium Blick and the brown Triumph. Oh well, next time ...

    1. Well Rob, as it happens I will be driving down that way sometime in the near future.
      Not coming to the Type-in?

  8. PS: Like Jasper, I am very much full bottle on Holbrook and the sub, having spent many hours wandering around that park. It has the best mid-trip stopover luncheon cafe in Australia, bar none!

    1. I'll have to check that out. I often stop here there just because I find the whole thing so fascinating.

  9. And nicely photographed as well, It'll be a treat to see the new typers! (:

    Should I file this as a type-in report for the Type-In in Canberra, Australia on Dec 29, 2013?

  10. Awesome write-up of the Messenger Museum! Soon to be found and recommended on TripAdvisor, LonelyPlanet, and good typospherian link pages everywhere ;-)

  11. ... and of course the next time I drive down to Khanburrah.
